Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm joining Zapin. Can you believe it?

INSEP Zapin Boys  + INSEP Zapin Girlz are coming in your area!!!. Can u find me in the picture above or i just bluffing all of you. Is true that i'm joining zapin at UTHM as a KO-K activities. we took the picture above when we had done performence at UTHM for "Majlis Anugerah Dekan" for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty.

This is the first time i doing zapin performence infront a lot of people. Firstly i'm very nervous but when i entered on the stage all the butterfly flying around in my stomach is gone. Luckily we done the performance with flying colours ( I guess...He..He..He..)

What my team need some improvement is we need to smile on the stage because all our faces is very sour. He..He..So geng, i hope we can do our best for our last performance for INSEP Convocation Day on 11th August 2009.

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