Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome Ramadhan

Ramadhan is the month on the Islamic lunar calendar during which Muslims abstain from food, drink and other sensual pleasures from break of dawn to sunset. The fast is performed to learn discipline, self-restraint and generosity, while obeying God's commandments. Fasting (along with the declaration of faith, daily prayers, charity, and pilgrimage to Mecca) is one of the "five pillars" of Islam. Because Ramadhan is a lunar month, it begins about eleven days earlier each year.

Who Must Fast?

Fasting is compulsory for those who are mentally and physically fit, past the age of puberty, in a settled situation (not travelling), and are sure fasting is unlikely to cause real physical or mental injury.

Exemptions From Fasting

(some exemptions are optional)
* Children under the age of puberty (Young children are encouraged to fast as much as they are able.)
* People who are mentally incapacitated or not responsible for their actions
* Those who are too old to fast
* The sick
* Travellers who are on journeys of more than about fifty miles 
* Pregnant women and nursing mothers 
* Women who are menstruating
* Those who are temporarily unable to fast must make up the missed days at another time.

Special Events

* Special prayers, called taraweeh, are performed after the daily night-time prayer.
* Lailat ul-Qadr ("Night of Power" or "Night of Destiny") marks the anniversary of the night on which the Prophet Muhammad first began receiving revelations from God, through the angel Gabriel. Muslims believe Lailat ul-Qadr is one of the last odd-numbered nights of Ramadhan.

Traditional Practices

* Breaking the daily fast with a drink of water and dates

* Reading the entire Qur'an during Ramadhan (For this purpose, the Qur'an is divided into 30 units.)
* Social visits are encouraged.

Ramadhan is fast approaching and I take this opportunity to wish all Muslim the best in Ramadhan and as it is a month of ibadah & forgiving, I wish to extend my sincere apologies to anybody directly or indirectly that have been insulted by my words and/or any of the postings I fowarded. May ALLAH showers all of you with blessing.

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